Friday, April 01, 2005

My First Night Alone

Kelly took off from Will Rogers today at 3:18pm. Right now she is probably somewhere above the North East coast about to begin her hop across "the big pond". So tonight, as she begins her month long sabbatical in Europe, I am spending my first night in Norman alone. 30 days. She'll be in France for 30 days. What will I do with myself? Work. Sleep. Hopefully work out a lot and start losing that 15lbs I've been wanting to get rid of. Watch movies. Maybe beat Halo2 again. Paint a Mural....

"Walked down to the coffeeshop to do what I do...they say it's the mildest things that pull you through..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Desparity finds comfort in pleading minds. Lonely confines lead to emotional breakdowns, and complacency eludes to joyful lies. Do you seek what will physically make you happy? Seek and you will never find, it's a Godly word of encouragement. Demand. It is the truth in the most simplistic form. GRACE